Friday, November 2, 2012

Terminal Comments to the Obama Campaign and the Democratic Party

Rufus, I have received more spam from you than from all of the other spam I receive combined.  As an internet professional, I receive mountains of spam.  Seriously.  

If I had other options outside of the Mittrication I would consider them.  I realize the rational of the campaign you have run and I think it is a fail.  You and the President have not pushed new policy, you have pushed new raffles.  You have offered people dinner with the President instead of offering our fellow citizens new opportunities and that is you failing at your job.

I understand the need to sell our party.  I guess our major dispute is in that you think spam and raffles are the manner in which we should sell ourselves.

I think that we should have plans and ideas that sell themselves.  I'm sick of Democrats backing down because we aren't proud of our progressive ideas.  We believe in change and we should be promoting it, not raffling dinner seats with the President as our idea for "change."

The other party's ideas are failed.  And yet the people who should be voting for us continue to vote for them.  That is your failure to make them understand that the Democratic party is founded in the concept that a strong middle class, based on strong education, through college, is the cornerstone of a great nation!  

Your job is done here and now, and I do hope you have successfully re-elected our President because the alternative would be an abomination.  You probably won't ever read this, but if you do, I hope you aren't defensive.  

Stop trying to sell raffles, and start figuring out a way to make people aware that our IDEAS are better!

Democratically yours,

ben eysselinck
'those who stand for nothing, fall for anything' ~ alexander hamilton